Население мира. Демографический справочник. |
Building Statistics 2015 |
Экономическая и социальная география капиталистических и развивающихся стран 1981 |
Kenya’s Statistical Abstract |
Agricultural survey, 2014 |
Burkina Faso Annuaire statistique national |
Building Statistics, 2007 |
Статистический ежегодник по растениеводству 2014 |
General Household Survey (GHS), 2003 |
Zambia Annual Economic Report |
General Household Survey (GHS), 2011 |
Статистический ежегожник стран Африки (African Statistical Yearbook) |
Manufacturing industry, 2014 |
Statistics in Brief, 2009 |
The Construction Industry, 2011 |
Statistical Abstract Report 2011 |
Статистический ежегодник Египта 2019 |
Building Statistics 2016 |
Женщины в современном мире |
Anuario Estatistico Mozambique |
Building Statistics, 2000 |
Ghana in Figures |
Building Statistics, 2008 |
Статистический ежегодник по рыболовству и животноводству 2014 |
General Household Survey (GHS), 2004 |
The Statistician. Статистический журнал Замбии |
General Household Survey (GHS), 2012 |
Обзор международного товарного обмена за 1888-1893 гг. Внешняя торговля главнейших государств земного шара |
Statistics in Brief 2000 |
Statistics in Brief, 2010 |
The Construction Industry, 2014 |
Statistical Abstract Report 2012 |
Annuaire Statistique du Maroc |
Building Statistics 2017 |
Раздел "черного материка" |
Statistical Yearbook Malawi |
Building Statistics, 2001 |
Guinée Annuaire Statistique |
Building Statistics 2009 |
Энергетический ежегодник 2014 |
General Household Survey (GHS), 2005 |
Аnnuaire statistique du Gabon |
General Household Survey (GHS), 2013 |
Капиталистические страны (Статистический справочник) (1941 г. ) |
Statistics in Brief 2002 |
Statistics in Brief, 2011 |
Transport and storage industry, 2006 |
Statistical Abstract Report 2013 |
Manufacturing industry, 2017 |
Building Statistics 2018 |
Agricultural survey, 2008 and 2009 |
Uganda Annual Statistical Abstract |
Building Statistics, 2002 |
Annuaire Statistique du Mali |
Building Statistics 2010 |
Zimbabwe. Facts and Figures |
General Household Survey (GHS), 2006 |
Аnnuaire statistique de Djibouti 2012 |
General Household Survey (GHS), 2014 |
Statistics in Brief, 2004 ten years of democratic governance |
Statistics in Brief, 2012 |
Transport and storage industry, 2010 |
Statistical Abstract Report 2014 |
Statistics in Brief, 2016 |
Statistical Abstract 2015 |
Agricultural survey, 2010 |
Mauritanie en chiffres |
Building Statistics, 2003 |
Ежегодник экономической статистики 2010 |
Building Statistics 2011 |
Zimbabwe. The Compendium of Statistics 2012 |
General Household Survey (GHS), 2007 |
Annuaire statistique du Cameroun |
Manufacturing industry, 2001 |
Statistics in Brief, 2005 |
Statistics in Brief, 2013 |
Transport and storage industry, 2013 |
Statistical yearbook - Tunisia |
Statistics in Brief, 2017 |
Statistical Abstract 2016 |
Agricultural survey, 2011 |
Annuaire Statistique de Mauritanie |
Building Statistics, 2004 |
Отчет о продовольственном балансе Кот-д'Ивуара за 2014-2017 |
Building Statistics 2012 |
Annuaire Statistique du Niger |
General Household Survey (GHS), 2008 |
Аnnuaire statistique du Congo |
Manufacturing industry, 2005 |
Statistics in Brief, 2006 |
Statistics in Brief, 2014 |
Марганцевая руда. [Все о добыче, переработке, потреблении и мировой торговле марганцевыми рудами до 1930 г.] |
Внешняя торговля |
Tunisia in Figures (2005-2014) |
Statistics in Brief, 2019 |
Botswana Statistical Year Book |
Agricultural survey, 2012 |
Rwanda Statistical YearBook |
Building Statistics, 2005 |
Статистический ежегодник внешней торговли 2013 |
Building Statistics 2013 |