Republic of Estonia 100. Statistical Album


This book has been compiled for the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia. The idea for the book is based on three statistical albums of the State Statistical Central Bureau published in the 1920s: “Maa ja rahvas. Territoire et population”, “Majandus. Économie” and “Eesti põllumajandus. Agriculture en Estonie”. These publications depict the fi rst years of the Republic of Estonia mainly through statistical images. The images of the period have been reproduced and the situation before Estonia’s centenary has been added for comparison purposes.

Ideally the authors would have liked to create images from the same point of view as in the publications of the State Statistical Central Bureau, but statistics have changed along with changing times – there is no reason and it is not possible to bring all old images to the new era. And not all the phenomena important today existed in the past.

Вернуться в раздел "Статистика Эстонии"

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