Estonian Economic Year-Book 1934


Tallinn: Eesti Pank, 1935. — 120 p.The present booklet, being a translation from a similar review in Estonian published by the Eesti Pank, is itended to replace the brief survey of general economic conditions formerly included in the Annual Report of the Bank. -4s the latter is now issued early in the year when complete statistics of a general economic nature are not available, it has been found suitable to publish this information in a separate volume, which also enables important developments to be dealt with in greater detail. For the sake of completeness, the activities of the Eesti Pank, a full account of which is supplied in the Annual Report, are also briefly reviewed in the Year-book. The Statistical Annex includes some demographic data, as ascertained by the last census, which, it is thought, will be of some value.


The World Economic Situation in 1934

Production and Prices
International Trade
Exchange Conditions

Estonian Economic Life in 1934


Weather Conditions and Crops in 1934
Stock Farming
Value of Total Agricultural Production
Farm Produce Market Conditions in 1934
Principal Measures of Agricultural Protection in 1934


Number of Workmen and Working Hours
Causes of Industrial Expansion
Development of Main Industries
Wages Paid in 1934

Foreign Trade

Turnover of Foreign Trade
Changes in Foreign Trade Volume and Prices
Foreign Trade by Branches ot Production
Distribution of Imports by Economic Application
Exports by Countries
Imports by Countries
Trade Balances with Individual Countries

Internal TradeTransport and Communication

Motor Vehicles
Omnibus Service
Air Service
Shipping and Cargoes

Domestic Price Movements

State EconomyBanking

Movement of Deposits
Movement of Credits
Profit and Loss Accounts
Estonian Hypothecary Bank
National Mortgage Bank
Land Bank of Estonia

Eesti Pank

State Savings Bank

General Comments

Statistical Annex

Summary Table on Main Sections of Economic Activity, 1928—1934
Sown Areas and Crops
Number of Farm Animals, 1925—1934
Output of Animal Produce, 1924/25—1933/34
Number and Area of Farms, and Distribution of Cultivated Land
Value of Agricultural Production (In Millions of Ekr)
Number of Enterprises and Workers in Large-scale and Medium-sized Industries, 1927-34
Number of Hours Worked in Large-scale Industries, 1927—34
Gross Value of Industrial Production
Net Value of Industrial Production
Output of Principal Industrial Products, 1927—1934
Foreign Trade Operations
Foreign Trade by Branches of Production
Imports by Main Groups of Commodities
Exports by Main Groups of Commodities
Principal Articles of Import (Tons)
Principal Articles of Import (Thousands of Ekr)
Principal Articles of Export (Tons)
Principal Articles of Export (Thousands of Ekr)
Imports by Countries
Exports by Countries
Foreign Trade Balances with Principal Countries
Foreign Trade Balances with Principal Countries (Per Cent)
Means of Communication
Price Indices
Wholesale Prices of Principal Articles on Home Market
State Revenue
Composite Statement of Accounts of the Joint Stock and Leading Cooperative Banks
Composite Statement of Accounts of the Joint Stock Banks
Composite Statement of Accounts of Leading Cooperative Banks
Composite Profit and Loss Accounts of Private Banks
Statement of Accounts of the National Mortgage Bank of Estonia
Statement of Accounts of the Land Bank of Estonia
Bond and Stock Prices Quoted by Tallinn Exchange Committee, 1932—34
Bills Created and Bills Protested
Monthly Statements of Accounts of the Eesti Pank
Yearly Balance Sheets of the Eesti Pank for 1928—1934
Profit and Loss Accounts of the Eesti Pank
Specification of Total Credits by the Eesti Pank, 1928—1934
Credits Opened and Used at Eesti Pank
Specification of Eesti Pank’s Credits by Branches of Economic Activity
Eesti Pank Specification of Home Bills by Branches of Economic Activity
Eesti Pank Specification of Loans by Branches of Economic Activity
Eesti Pank Development of Foreign Assets and Current Liabilities
Purchase and Sale of Foreign Exchange at Eesti Pank, 1931—1934
Purchase and Sale of Foreign Exchange at Eesti Pank in 1934
Specification of Note Circulation, 1928 — 1934
Clearing House Turnover
Protested Bills, 1928-1934
Yearly Average Selling Rates on the Tallinn Exchange 1928—1934
Monthly Average Selling Rates on the Tallinn Exchange in 1934
Foreign Exchange from Exports, Delivered to the Eesti Pank and Authorised Private Banks
Population of Estonia
Distribution of Population by Occupations
Percentage Distribution of Active Population in 1934
Social Grouping of Active Population in 1934
Distribution of Population by Nationalities
Education 120
Distribution of Population by Age
Distribution of Area of Republic of Estonia

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