Mongolian Statistical Yearbook 2000


The National Statistical Office has been producing the Statistical Yearbook of Mongolia since 1960. The Statistical Yearbook shows social and economic indicators of Mongolia. In correspondence with the development of the socio-economic situation of Mongolia the extent and frame of indicators for the yearbook are expanding.

Since the beginning of the transition to a market economy, the NSO have been gradually introducing international standards and methodology. As a result, the number of indicators, which are in conformity with international standards are increasing.

In the statistical yearbook an emphasis is primarily given to national data. In the same time many tables present data for aimags.

Since 1997 the Statistical Yearbook has been published with explanations of methodology and terminology to meet users’ needs and to make it more comprehensible. In the present statistical yearbook, the base year of GDP was taken as 1995, main indicators of the population were estimated by population at usual residence, some new graphics are included and some clarification have been made in the sources of information and definition of indicators. Furthermore, the main indicators of 2000 Population and Housing census results were added as a special section.

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